Mesothelioma Treatment Options

Mesothelioma Treatment Options

Mesothelioma treatment options for malignant mesothelioma can relieve pain and provide hope for the future. In many cases, new mesothelioma treatment options can increase mesothelioma life expectancy beyond original expectations. Even if advanced malignant mesothelioma has reached a seemingly incurable stage, participating in clinical trials gives a breath of hope to the future generations of mesothelioma cancer patients.

Treatment for malignant mesothelioma can start with surgery, although this is not always recommended in mesothelioma treatment options since older patients may have a difficult time with surgery. The objective is to remove the tumor, or at least most of it, and slow down the disease. With advanced mesothelioma, the tumor has often tragically spread throughout the body and has invaded life-giving organs, making surgery more risky than living with cancer itself. However in the early stages of malignant mesothelioma, a localized tumor is more likely to be successfully removed.

Radical surgery is a mesothelioma treatment option for advanced malignant mesothelioma that has been used in small clinical trials, but has resulted in almost half the patients (48%) living at least five years past their predetermined mesothelioma life expectancy date. “Extrapleural pneumonectomy” involves removing the internal body parts that mesothelioma cancer cells love to invade. Surgery removes the parietal pleura (pleural mesothelioma), the pericardium (pericardial mesothelioma) and the diaphragm, as well as the removal of a lung. This surgery is combined with pre and post operative chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Cancer Research UK is funding a “MARS” clinical trial (mesothelioma and radical surgery) to formally undergo pilot testing. Since the patients must be followed for five years, the results are not yet available and the success of these mesothelioma treatment options has yet to be discovered. UK medical reports do claim that US trial results have thus far demonstrated that a heavier dose of radiotherapy after the EPP surgery extends mesothelioma life expectancy.

Mesothelioma treatment options almost always include chemotherapy. Progress is seen in mesothelioma treatment when chemotherapy is combined with drug therapy. There are clinical trials for mesothelioma treatment options around the world that are seeking to find the chemotherapy and drug mix that can prolong mesothelioma life expectancy. Clinical trials are listed at many cancer organizations and research hospitals, and many seek mesothelioma patients wanting mesothelioma treatment options for advanced malignant mesothelioma. In advanced malignant mesothelioma, participating in a clinical trial can be a lifesaving mesothelioma treatment option.

Mesothelioma treatment options for advanced malignant mesothelioma can also be found in clinical trials for anti-angiogenic therapy. Anti-angiogenic mesothelioma treatment options are biological therapies that revolve around blood vessel growth. A cancer needs its own blood supply to grow. Two primary chemicals contribute to growth, VEGF and FGF-2. Mesothelioma patients with advanced malignant mesothelioma have higher levels of VEGF compared to patients suffering from other cancers. The theory the clinical trials are hoping to prove is that blocking VEFG will stop the blood vessel growth that supports the cancer growth.

Mesothelioma treatment options for malignant mesothelioma also includes clinical trials in phototherapy, immunotherapy, gene therapy and other therapies. Medical specialists are scrambling to find the mesothelioma treatment options for malignant mesothelioma that can protect and cure the projected increase in mesothelioma patients of the future. Participating in clinical trials can extend mesothelioma life expectancy and provide hope for future generations.

Review of diets based on blood type

Eat right for your type

This is a book which claims that people who have different blood types should eat different kinds of food. It also says that those with blood-group o should eat a lot of meat and people with type a blood should eat less. Although over the last decade diets based on blood group types have been given a hype there has been no scientific literature to prove this. A scientific seminar was held by the Norwegian Society for nutrition for a whole day and after that it was published in the Journal of the Norwegian Medical Association. Nearly 40,000 copies of this book were sold in Norway and they set out to find out if blood type diet were a science or a nonsense.

No scientific arguments

It was found that the blood type diet, which the book promoted was supposed to be backed by scientific arguments and the author does not actually prove his points. In fact he just State some facts and takes advantage of the lack of knowledge of his readers in biology. He uses big words and his arguments also sound scientific but there is no basis of science and it seems very absurd full and it is indeed surprising that researchers had the patience to read this book.

But the order did respond to reviews on his website. He said that the blood type diet is backed by good science just the way Einstein’s mathematical calculations are. But if the diets were to be tested in the same way like Einstein’s formula he would face vindication and would complain that there are no studies in this area because of little interest and money.

Overall Assessment

The one thing that can be said about the book is that the author has a very good imagination.

Exercises for Legs and Knees

Closed Chain and Open Chain

Did you know that exercises are divided into closed chain and open chain? The links of body parts for example hips, knees, ankles, feet are considered as chains. When the end of the chain, which is far away from the body, is fixed it is called a closed chain, for example when you squat your feet are fixed while the rest of the leg chain moves. When the ends are free it is called and open chain, for example, a seated leg extension.

Some exercises for an all round leg workout

Standing weight shift
You should stand with your feet apart (approx shoulder width), distributor wait equally and slightly flex your knees. Keep shifting your body weight so that all of it is on your right leg hold it there for five seconds and then shift the way to the other leg and hold for another five seconds. Keep shifting back and forth and continue doing this for one or two minutes.

Quad dips
You should stand with your feet apart (approx shoulder width). Use a frame or counter to top for balance at first. Flex your knees to about 20 to 30° and hold for 10 seconds and then straighten up to stand straight. Ensure to keep your knees straight as you flex and move into bent knee positions.

One-Legged Quad dips
You need to repeat the above quad dip exercise by lifting your strong leg off the floor and do the exercise with all your weight on your weaker leg. There maybe balance issues initially but as you progress this will improve

Benefits of closed chain exercises

Both closed and open chain exercises offer different benefits. While close chain exercises focus on compression and stabilisation of the joints, Open chain exercises involve more force which is parallel to the joints. More muscles and joints are involved in closed chain when compared to open chain. This ensures better coordination and improves stability.

Innovations in Heathcare in 2019

Early detection of dementia

One of the leading causes of death in the US is Alzheimer’s disease, a common form of dementia. With the slow increase in the average age of the population, there is likelihood for the rise in the number of deaths because of dementia. In spite of this it stays a challenge to catch the early signs. Oxford brain diagnostics say that they have technology, which can identify the conditions much before the symptoms show up. They use the technique called CDM-cortical disarray measurement. Scientists can use this technique to get detailed information from existing MRI scans. With this changes in the micro-anatomy of the brain can be detected. Damage to the set up on politics in the early stages of the disease can be revealed by this method as it is sensitive to disruption at a cellular scale

Blockchain for health

The patient has always been central to healthcare but recently it has become necessary to involve the patient even more deeply. There have conversations doing rounds about how doctors Store data, who is responsible for keeping them and in what manner they are shared. Medicalchain has taken efforts and help people get access to their medical records. They have devised a way that patients can view as well as share their data and information with their medical care providers by using block chain technology, which also finds use in cryptocurrency. This technology will empower the patient, as there is growth of online consultations.

Mobile cancer screening

Over 570,000 cases of cervical cancer what discovered in 2018 globally. The low and middle-income societies see nearly 90% of deaths from cervical cancer. Early intervention and improve the screening can reduce the mortality rate. MobileODT have come up with a handheld colposcope called Eva system. This is powered by battery and can capture high-quality images of the cervix. They have also worked with the National Cancer Institute and have developed a machine learning algorithm and have called it automatic visual evaluation (AVE). This helps to produce an accurate diagnosis within minutes.

Is zinc the cure for the common cold?

Solution Zinc ions are useful

The common cold is a very uncomfortable condition and people are always looking for solutions which can help. While the metal zinc is not of any use, the solution zinc ions are very powerful. A single atom of zinc with its 2+ electrical charge is soluble in water. When the atom combines with 4 to 8 molecules of water it forms a solution zinc iron, which carries a 2+ charge. It is seen that it is powerful and can be used to treat upper respiratory tract infections. Cold is an infection of the nasal cavity. Rhinovirus is considered to be one of the causes of the common cold.

Sprays or Lozenges

In 1974 it was found that Zn2+ ions were anti-rhinoviral. It has also been shown that Zn2+ ions trigger T-cell lymphocytes to release huge amounts of a powerful anti-viral agent. The Zn2+ ions help in treating common cold through their anti-inflammatory activities. They destroy histamine, stabilise cell plasma membrane by preventing a running nose and congestion and stimulate T-cell lymphocytes.

Nasal sprays, which release Zn2+ irons, have been used for more than hundred years as a gentle nasal decongestant but has had no role in reducing the duration or curing the cold. Instead Zn2+ ions, which are released directly in the mouth, have shown to reduce the duration of common colds as they get soaked into tissues through the mouth nose biologically closed electric circuit. In studies that were conducted it was found that lozenges made of zinc gluconate, which released Zn2+ ions at 5 to 8 milligrams concentration when kept in touch with the oral mucosa for approximately half an hour and used around nine times in a day reduced the symptoms of common cold by nearly a week.

ZIA 50 zinc acetate lozenges are the only ones that have a ‘Cure for the Common Cold’ patent from the U.S. Patent and Trademark office

Lets choose to stay away from the common Cold while we can

Regular good nutrition can help build an immune system, which is strong and is ever ready to ward off the common cold.