Desirous to bring the perpetrators of the 26/11 terrible disaster in Mumbai to book, and to provide solace to the surviving victims, India is committed to making sure that all the offenders are made to face the full rigours of the law.
This quest seems to have been dealt a major blow with the seemingly uncooperative nature of Pakistan in ensuring that the perpetrators of this heinous act are made to face the repercussions of their own actions.
It has recently experienced another huge setback as China has sabotaged India’s request to the UN Security Council Sanctions Committee for Pakistan to clear the air on the release of Zaki-ur-Rehman Lakhvi, one of the accused persons. According to India, the freeing of this Commander contradicts the UN Resolution 1267 that frowns on individuals and groups with links to al-Qaeda.
Countries like the U.S oppose the Chinese claims and have asked Pakistan to arrest Lakhvi again. To show how concerned the country is as far as this issue is concerned, the U.S State Department has come out with a report indicting Pakistan for going against the provisions of the UN.
China reiterated their unquestionable commitment in fighting terrorism during Prime Minister Nerandra Modi’s state visit to China. The recent decision made by China raises eyebrows as to whether China is really bent on eradicating terrorism, as they have also hindered a proposal India tendered in to the UN in relation to some terrorists based in Pakistan.
The irony of the whole thing is that China is also facing terror attacks in Xingjiang, and instead of rallying behind India in their quest to uproot terrorism, they seem to agree to Pakistan’s excuse that they are also victims of terrorism.
In order to give this agenda the extra push, India has relentlessly pushed this issue on the multilateral forum, and it is something to be thankful for. This bold step paid off, as it led to the compilation of a strong case against the apprehended gunman Ajmal Kasab, which eventually resulted in his conviction. The U.S and Pakistan diligently cooperated with India in compiling a worthwhile proof to support the involvement of the perpetrators.
With the world’s increasing detest for terrorism coupled with the consistent support of India by US as far as terrorism is concerned, India did a good job by taking this issue on the multilateral forum. This decision was in sharp contrast with the fact that India always deals with bilateral issues internally without the help of any outside forces.
As the multilateral institutions mount excessive pressure on Pakistan, it is very likely to change its demeanour towards the concerns raised by India, and it wouldn’t be surprising if Pakistan hands over the conspirators living on their soil. The External Affairs Ministry responded to the Chinese decision stating emphatically that it is ready to take this matter to higher levels.
It is expected that this statement comes into fruition and materialises as the U.S and the other powerhouses in the world have taken this issue with all the seriousness that it deserves.
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